Roadmap for Creating a Dementia Capable Michigan
Download the 2023 Update to our 2019-2022 Roadmap below:

Download the chart below to see the Michigan Dementia Coalition's progress on action items from our 2019-2022 Roadmap:

Download the 2019-2022 Roadmap below:

Download the 2019 - 2022 Roadmap for Creating a Dementia Capable Michigan
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Download the Roadmap Summary
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A brief overview of the 2019 - 2022 Roadmap for Creating a Dementia Capable Michigan:
Promote the well-being and safety of people living with dementia at all ages and stages.
Help people living with dementia and their families more readily connect with information and resources.
Increase access to training, education, and support for family caregivers and care partners of people living with dementia.
Promote ways to help people stay safe at home and in their community.
Share tools and facilitate training for individuals, family members, and others who may interact with people living with dementia to prevent abuse and financial exploitation.
Ensure that services for people living with dementia are person-centered, affordable, and accessible regardless of where people live.
Mobilize multidisciplinary partnerships to strengthen the service network.
Pursue practical opportunities to improve coordination across the continuum of care for people living with dementia.
Identify and remove administrative barriers to collaboration.
Ensure that individuals working in Michigan's health care and long-term care systems have the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to provide high quality dementia supports and services.
Increase and strengthen the direct care workforce to reduce turnover and improve job satisfaction.
Recognize and promote dementia as a public health priority.
Increase public awareness about brain health, dementia, and risk factors.
Promote early detection and diagnosis, and opportunities to participate in clinical trials.
Improve data collection regarding dementia in Michigan.
Reduce disparities by providing underserved areas and underrepresented groups with equitable access to quality services.
Increase participation of community stakeholders in public health decisions regarding dementia.
Enact policies that strengthen families, communities, and the economy.
Meet the current unmet need and prepare for increased future demand for home and community based services for people living with dementia.
Increase access to and information about quality, affordable respite services for people living with dementia and their families.
Meet the growing need for affordable, reliable transportation services for people living with dementia.
Identify policy or regulatory changes to help prevent abuse and financial exploitation of people living with dementia.
Incentivize professionals to specialize in geriatrics to better prepare for our state's increasingly older population.
Engage and equip employers to prepare for a growing population of employees balancing work and family caregiver responsibilities due to dementia.