Coalition Committees
Ending Abuse and Exploitation Committee
Committee Co-Chairs: Les Dubin (, University of Michigan, and Fei Sun (, Michigan State University
The Ending Abuse and Exploitation Committee is responsible for expanding opportunities throughout the State for improvement in recognizing and preventing abuse, exploitation, and neglect for all persons impacted by dementia. The committee is motivated to work alongside local prevention coalitions, Michigan Adult Protective Services, and other service agencies to review and improve current policies and practices related to this area.
Interested in joining this committee? Email committee chair Les Dubin at or Fei Sun at for more information!
Committee Updates
February 2020 Updates
The MDC Ending Elder Abuse and Neglect Subcommittee continues to work together on a near monthly basis to discuss elder abuse and neglect issues specific to older adults living with dementia. Several of our members are also involved with the Attorney General’s Elder Abuse Task Force and continue to inform state lawmakers and stake holders about issues specific to persons and families living with dementia. This past month, several of our committee members have been participating in two meetings with Adult Protective Services Leadership and several Area Agency on Aging directors to improve communication and collaboration with mandated reporters. Our next meeting of the MDC/APS/AAA partnership is scheduled for mid-March.